PBR Event

The total score possible for a bull ride is 100 points. Half of that total is based on the performance of the bull and how difficult he is to ride. Judges look for bulls with speed, power, drop in the front end, kick in the back end, directions changed and body rolls. A body roll occurs when a bull is in the air and kicks either his hind feet or all four feet to the side. The more of these characteristics a bull displays during a ride, the higher the mark is for the bull. Judges are allowed to award a cowboy a re-ride if they feel the bull did not perform at the level of other bulls in the competition and therefore did not give the rider a fair chance to earn a high score. Only the sport’s best bucking bulls are used at the Professional Bull Riders Built Ford Tough series events. PBR Livestock Director Cody Lambert works with more than 20 stock contractors – the people who own and lease bulls to the PBR – to ensure that the pool of bulls used at each event are the highest caliber possible. Most Built Ford Tough Series events feature an estimated 75 bulls that are supplied by as many as 6 different PBR stock contractors.The other half of the ride is determined by the rider’s ability to match the moves of the bull beneath him. Judges look for constant control and good body position throughout the ride. Spurring the bull is not required but extra points are awarded for doing so. The rider must stay aboard the bull for 8 seconds. The clock begins when the bull’s shoulder or hip crosses the plane of the bucking chutes and stops when the bull rider’s hand comes out of the rope or he touches the ground. The bull rider must ride with one hand and is disqualified if he touches the bull during the 8 second ride.
The PBR Built Ford Tough Series consists of 28 regular-season events and the PBR World Finals in Las Vegas. Most regular-season events are 2 day competitions, and each follows the same format: the top 45 bull riders each ride 1 bull the first night of competition and 1 bull the 2nd night of competition. The top 15 riders with the highest total score on 2 bulls qualify for a 3rd round of competition that takes place at the end of the 2nd night’s competition. The overall event winner is the bull rider with the highest three day ride total.

The judges who officiate events are hired based on strict and extensive qualifications maintained by the PBR Board of Directors and members. Additionally, PBR members have established a judging committee that regularly meets to discuss performance and accuracy when judging. Each Built Ford Tough Series event employs three judges. Tow judges have 50 points to distribute for each ride (25 points for the bull and 25 for the rider). The third judge, positioned on the back of the bucking chute where each ride originates, also keeps score in the event that a tie-breaker is necessary in determining the overall winner. Four judges officiate at the PBR World Finals.
The rules are simple. Place a wiry 150–pound cowboy on the back of a hulking, snorting temperamental 2,000 pound bull and see if he can ride the beast for an eternal eight seconds... with one hand strapped to the bull’s massive backside.
When looking for PBR Tickets, NFR Tours and PBR Tours is your only stop. We will customize a package based on your dates of travel. We can quote you Section, Rows and Seat numbers at the time of booking. The PBR events are sold out every year, so don’t miss this opportunity. Call our office today and order your PBR tickets. NFR Tours and PBR Tours, has been in the travel business for over 40 years. NFR Tours and PBR Tours is a division of Global Travel, a full service travel agency specializing in packages to the NFR and PBR. Come to the travel experts for all your travel needs. See our contact information is below.